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Webinář transakční ekonomika podniku
Webinář transakční ekonomika podniku

Další webinář s PROFICIO tentokrát s moderátorem na téma Business Intelligence a jeho využití pro strategické řízení byznysu a marketingu v oblasti e‑commerce.

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Webinář nejen o webové analytice
Webinář nejen o webové analytice

Webinář, který jsme s kolegou Tomášem uspořádali zdarma v období COVID karantény. Kromě vyhodnocování v GA jsme zmínili i tipy, čemu se věnovat v ecommerce.

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Surf trip tales 2019
Surf trip tales 2019

I fell into the scene of surfing this year. Looking behind, it was a great time. Read about the spots and places I visited.

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Trip to South Africa 2019
Trip to South Africa 2019

Solo travelling around Cape Town, South Africa. A place where two oceans meet. Surfing, swiming, hiking... Read some good stuff about it.

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Vietnam travelling
Vietnam travelling

Me and my friends took a big trip to Vietnam this summer. It was a huge experience and here are some thoughts gained on this journey.

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Sledgehammer month 1
Sledgehammer month 1

t's been a month since our brand Sledgahmmer went live. Read the beginnings with a new brand in the market and how people react to us.

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Lukášovo rizoto
Lukášovo rizoto

Recept na rizoto, který jsem mástroval při studiu na vysoké v dobách, kdy jsem ještě neměl na Gucci. Všem zatím chutnalo.

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Erasmus v Helsinkách
Erasmus v Helsinkách

Proč jsem se rozhodl jet na Erasmus právě do Helsinek, jak to probíhalo, jaký je život erasmáka ve Fisnku, srovnání tamního studia s českým a pár fotek z výletů :)

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My Google BigQuery Udemy class
My Google BigQuery Udemy class

Trying to take an advantage of sitting at home during covid-19 time, I created this Google BigQuery class that will be helpful for beginners starting with GCP and BigQuery.

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The Internet Computer
The Internet Computer

As I have spent most of my time and a career in the traditional internet environment, the internet as we all know it, I have recently discovered a new platform called The Internet Computer (IC) that totally mobilised my interest.

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